Caring For Elderly With Special Needs: How It Changes The Face Of Senior In-Home Care Businesses

Business Blog

One in sixty-eight children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder in the U.S. today. That is a lot of children who require special care and adaptations to daily life, and that does not include children with cerebral palsy, down syndrome and mental retardation. Within the next fifty years, more and more of those children will reach senior citizen status, and they will require some type of daily care. If senior in-home care is the business you want to start, here are all the reasons you should look at in-home care for seniors and elderly with special needs.

Continued Increase in Children with Special Needs

Just two years ago, the CDC stated that the rate of occurrence for autism was one in eighty-six children. In just two years, that number has risen thirty percent. If that number continues to rise, as do the numbers of other physical, cognitive and behavioral disabilities, then there will be an even greater need for personal care workers and nurses. Add to that the fact that many adults with special needs now live a lot longer than they used to, and you have a vast cross-section of the population that is under-served.

Young Adults Wait-listed for Services

In some states, young adults are already wait-listed for transitional services. There is no place for them to go where they can receive the additional supports they need to move from high school into college, a group home or their own apartments. That translates into no place for them to go when they are elderly or senior citizens because there are not enough businesses that focus on providing care for them. There are more than enough businesses that focus on in-home care for adults without special needs, but the demand for senior in-home care for adults with special needs is about to exceed the availability of long-term services.

What You Can Do to Help

You are headed into this in-home care business anyway. Why not focus on senior and elderly in-home care for adults with special needs? Your business would fill a void in your community and supply services for an ever-expanding group of people that have the same rights as their non-disabled peers. They should be allowed to stay in their homes and receive the same level of quality care as well. Surviving family members of these adults with special needs could relax, knowing their siblings or children will be well-cared for.

For more information about senior care, contact Above And Beyond or a similar location.


20 January 2015

Creating A Successful Business

Nothing is more difficult than starting up your own business. Over the years, I have started and sold twelve different businesses, and some have been a lot more profitable than others. However, the mistakes that I have made over the years have taught me a lot about what it means to run a profitable, successful business. I hope that as you read through the articles on my website, you will learn more about how to operate a successful company, so that you stay in the black. Remember that running a business isn't always easy, but if you make wise decisions and stay focused, you can build a business that you can be proud of.