Three Alternative Office Structures For Maximizing Your Productivity

Business Blog

In the past, offices often consisted of a desk and two chairs for visitors. Employees were often assigned to a cubicle where bad posture and claustrophobia ruled the day. This made it easy to furnish your office, but didn't do much for productivity and creativity.

Today, many office managers and CEOs are looking for other options. They're finding that non-traditional setups can often increase output and employee satisfaction at the same time. Some of these configurations are possible with your existing furniture--others will require different pieces to work effectively.


One idea for increasing output is to abandon the notion of cubicles entirely. Instead, employees are placed in 2-4 person pods that work around a central table. The idea is that these employees will learn to work collaboratively over time and serve as a primary resource for questions and support during their work.

This is a perfect structure when your business model requires teamwork. While it creates certain logistical issues for phone calls and client meetings, these can be easily circumvented with cell phones and by establishing a conference room. In many cases, the increased communication and natural creativity boost more than compensates for any of these logistical issues.

The "Communist" Office

In the traditional office, employees all have their own space. This makes it easy to lock up personal belongings and to establish a base of operations in the building. But, inequity can often lead to wasted space and isolation in this environment.

To avoid this, some offices have gone to a model where everything belongs to everyone. No desk or area belongs to any employee--rather, anyone can work wherever they choose. This allows managers to set up different spaces where people can choose the type of environment that suits them. Most importantly, they can change location when their obligations demand it.

Open Offices

The rise of coffee shops and wi-fi forces managers to look at human productivity differently. Distraction-free, sterile environments are no longer seen as the key to a productive office. Instead, comfort and social interaction are the goal of an open office.

To accomplish this, desks and cubicles are traded in for couches, tables, and decorative furnishings. The thinking is that a comfortable place where employees enjoy spending their time will naturally lead to increased productivity. In today's technologically driven workplace, cell phones and laptops can make any environment suitable for most tasks.

No matter which layout you choose for your office, the important thing is to challenge convention. The modern workplace is changing rapidly--it's important that your office setup changes in kind.

For more help with office furniture, contact a company like Boss Office Products Inc.


10 June 2015

Creating A Successful Business

Nothing is more difficult than starting up your own business. Over the years, I have started and sold twelve different businesses, and some have been a lot more profitable than others. However, the mistakes that I have made over the years have taught me a lot about what it means to run a profitable, successful business. I hope that as you read through the articles on my website, you will learn more about how to operate a successful company, so that you stay in the black. Remember that running a business isn't always easy, but if you make wise decisions and stay focused, you can build a business that you can be proud of.